Implementation roadmap for accelerating the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in South-East Asia 2022–2030

Scope of implementation roadmap
The implementation roadmap provides strategic directions and tools with a view to prioritizing and accelerating high-impact interventions that are feasible within the national context. It provides guidance for prevention and control of NCDs, including links and tools for easy access. It will be available on the South-East Asia Region NCD web portal. The web portal will also feature good practice from countries and will be regularly updated with additional guidance as it is produced. All actions proposed for Member States and WHO in the regional NCD action plan 2013–2020 remain valid until 2030.
The scope of the roadmap is summarized in Fig. 1. The web portal will include the South-East Asia Region NCD impact simulation tool that will help to identify context-specific impactful interventions and their contribution to attaining the SDG 3.4 target. Implementation of the interventions will be supported by a combination of WHO guidance and tools, which will also be updated with new products and guidelines.
Structure and function of the implementation roadmap 2022–2030
The WHO South-East Asia Region has laid the foundations for NCD prevention and control. A rapidly changing Region in terms of epidemiological transition and other sociodemographic changes needs an agile and adjustable implementation roadmap to meet the requirements of the countries. The roadmap has been devised as a set of tools and guidance for countries to identify priorities in their local context.
The Action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in South-East Asia Region, 2013–2020, extended to 2030, contains good guidance and actions, and will remain the basis of the regional NCD response. The vision and goal of the extended regional action plan remain the same (Box 1), but targets set for the regional action plan for 2025 will be extrapolated, and changes made since 2013 will be reflected in the updated set of targets (23).
For all people of the South-East Asia Region to enjoy the highest attainable status of health, well-being, and quality of life at every age, free of preventable NCDs, avoidable disability and premature death.
To reduce preventable morbidity, avoidable disability and premature mortality due to NCDs in the South-East Asia Region.
The roadmap will support and sustain progress in prioritizing and accelerating the most impactful interventions, in scaling up digital and other innovations, including those utilized during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in promoting accountability through data to achieve the NCD targets for 2025 and 2030 (Table 1 and Table 2).